Marv’s Sanitary Service provides residential service within the city limits of Brandon, Corson, Valley Springs, and Rowena, plus most of Minnehaha County East of 478th Ave and South of 258th Ave.
Our household garbage service has 3 levels: 35gal, 64gal, and 96gal; this equates to 1, 2, or 3 can service. (PLEASE have lids on all cans; 40# limit per can or bag). Any trash OVER the amount you have chosen is $4/can or $2/bag, payable with stickers. Extra bags & trash without stickers will be taken and the appropriate dollar amount will then be removed from a $20.00 sheet of stickers; the remainder of that sheet will be left for you and your account will be billed $20.00 for stickers. If you need to request stickers, leave a note for our driver or call the office at 582-6766, and we will get them to you. You may request your extra bags be billed to your account but a $2 office charge will be added for amounts under $16.
Because of wind and Landfill ordinance, PLEASE BAG ALL TRASH. Pet waste and diapers MUST be sealed in a bag!! Unbagged pet waste or loose trash will be left!
Please call the day before if you have anything other than household garbage. We will take appliances, furniture, carpet, tree trimmings, etc. The charge for these things will be added to your next bill. Microwaves can be dropped off for free at the Household Hazardous Waste Facility.
The trash should be out by 7 a.m. If we missed you, call and we will get it that day or first thing the next morning. If it wasn't picked up because of not being out on time, there will be a $15.00 charge to come back when our schedule allows ($25.00 outside of Brandon city limits) or you can have double the next week with no extra charge
Recycling is picked up twice a month and should be put out by 7 am. See the calendars below to find your exact recycling schedule. Recycling is included in your monthly charge, and we urge you to read the Recycling page and make recycling part of your routine. Sioux Falls Landfill ordinance prohibits us from taking trash with visible required recyclables. If you use your own containers be sure they have a tightly fitted lid (Landfill ordinance). If you choose to rent our 96-gallon tip cart for your recyclables, remember that normal wear and tear is expected but you will be liable for damage to the cart resulting from misuse or from paint, chemicals or heat/fire, etc.
If your recycling container is not out in time for collection, it can either be picked up during the following scheduled collection or you may request a special pick-up, which is an additional fee.
Use the green recycling calendar showing recycling on 1st and 3rd service days if one of these statements fits you:
Use the yellow recycling calendar showing recycling on 2nd and 4th service days if one of these statements fits you: |
We do not work on the following 6 holidays:
• New Years Day | • Labor Day |
• Memorial Day | • Thanksgiving Day |
• Independence Day | • Christmas Day |
Following a holiday, service each day through Thursday of that week will be delayed by one day. Friday service is only affected if the holiday actually falls on Friday, thus causing it to be picked up on Thursday (one day early). Scroll up and choose from one of the two Recycling Collection Calendars with Holiday adjustments found above.
Residential hazardous waste includes:
• chemicals | • electronics |
• cleaners | • flammables |
• paints | • needles & syringes |
• batteries | • car fluids |
The Sioux Falls Household Hazardous Waste Facility is the FREE drop-off point for hazardous wastes and electronics. Their phone number is 367-8695. The Web address is
- Drop-off Hours: Tuesday – Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m. – 12 noon
- FREE of charge
- You may also pick up any free leftover chemicals or paint items for your personal household use at the Reuse Room, which is inside the Household Hazardous Waste building.
Effective May 4, 2004, a City of Sioux Falls ordinance banned electronics from the Sioux Falls Regional Sanitary Landfill because they often contain amounts of heavy metals and harmful chemicals, such as lead and cadmium, which can compromise the effectiveness of landfill liners. Additionally, various components of electronics can be reused in newer technologies or recycled. Items accepted at the Household Hazardous Waste Facility include:
Desktop PCs (CPUs)
Hard Drives
Word Processors
VCRs/Laser Disc Players
Joystick/Game Controls
Portable CD Players
Fax Machines
Answering Machines
Cords & Cables
Laptop PCs
CD ROM/Zip/Tape Drives
Palm Organizers
Record Players
CBs/Two-Way Radios
Adding Machines
Cell Phones/Pagers
![]() |
Empty paint cans or those with completely hardened paint may be placed in with your regular garbage. Remove the lid first. Otherwise, paint and hazardous waste need to be taken to the Sioux Falls Hazardous Waste facility.
Needles or syringes that are not properly disposed of can be a serious health hazard. Help prevent injuries by properly disposing of needles and syringes in a puncture-resistant container. The Home Healthcare Needle Disposal Program provides free needle/sharps disposal containers through participating pharmacies. DO NOT EVER put sharps or other healthcare-related equipment into your recycling container. For more information concerning needle disposal click this link: Sioux Falls Sharps Disposal Program
- We do NOT take loose branches
- Branches must be bundled with string or duct tape
- Bundles must be less than 3’ long
- Bundles must be less than 30 lbs.
- $3 charge per bundle
YESThese may be composted |
Grass clippings |
Leaves |
NOThese go in the regular trash |
Small Branches |
Pine needles |
- Use paper bags or our compost carts. No trash cans or plastic bags, please.
- Please keep the weight of bags to 40lbs. (similar to softener salt)
- Please have the cart or bags at the curb by 6am on Wednesdays.
- If you kept the Compost cart over the winter you are AUTOMATICALLY SIGNED UP FOR THE SAME SERVICE THIS YEAR. We will bill you.
After this season (2025), compost carts WILL NOT be picked up except by special request.
1. ON-CALL Compost Service: -must be at the curb-
- Call before 5 pm on Tuesday for Wednesday service.
- You may use our compost cart (green lid) for the season for a one-time charge of $26. Call our office to request a compost cart. $8 delivery fee.
- We will charge your account $9 per stop. NO STICKERS ARE NEEDED. $9 covers the stop and one cart or 4 bags. Additional bags are billed at $2 each.
2. WEEKLY Compost Service: -must be at the curb-
- A 96gal compost cart (green lid) will be provided. $8 delivery fee.
- Wednesday is the service day. You will not have to call.
- The cost is $143 including tax, for April 16 through Nov. 12. (31 Wednesdays), barring early snowfall. Extra carts are available for $26 per cart for the season. The charge to dump an extra cart is $4. Extra paper bags of grass will be billed at $2 each.
If you have any questions or would like the regular Wednesday Compost Service, please give us a call at 582-6766.
Or, you may CLICK HERE to fill out a form to sign up for Weekly Compost Service.
Or, if you would rather mail in your request for Weekly Compost Service, then CLICK HERE to download and print out a paper form to fill out and mail to us.